Is the High Evolutionary Red Skull?

Posted by Tamela Phillippe on Monday, May 6, 2024

The High Evolutionary is not Red Skull. Many Marvel fans were wondering if both the disfigured supervillains were the same because they look very similar. Some also questioned if the former used the same faulty serum that the latter used which resulted in them looking alike. However, some hardcore fans were frustrated with people even questioning, 'Is High Evolutionary Red Skull' because it was shown in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 how the High Evolutionary was disfigured when Rocket clawed his face off. Plus, they are different in the Marvel comics.

There's no one happier than Marvel fans right now because they recently got Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, another one in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the second one of Phase 5, and there's no one sadder than Marvel fans right now because GOTG Vol. 3 was an emotional roller coaster. I bet there was nobody in the theater whose eyes were dry when Rocket, as a baby raccoon, was writhing in pain as he lay helpless on the table while he was being experimented on, and when Lylla, Teefs, and Floor got killed as just collateral damage like their lives were nothing.

Oh, that reminds me, more like it has stayed with me and occupied my mind ever since Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 came out and has me seething with rage and burning with hatred I was not aware I had in me even though I know it's not real, that we have a new supervillain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. High Evolutionary, that gross thing is called. He has been in only one Marvel movie and already he's one of the most hated because of how vile and disgusting and cruel and inhuman he is.

High Evolutionary's face reveal (unmasking) was probably the most anticipated sequence in the series when fans learned that he was making a debut in the movies. Now, they can't stand to look at him and not just because of the things he has done but also because of the way he looks. He looks grotesque and everything he is on the inside reflects on the outside as well. A lot of fans were eerily reminded of Red Skull on looking at him and some even wondered if it was Red Skull himself reinventing himself as High Evolutionary.

I mean, Red Skull was released from his curse when Thanos sacrificed Gamora after which he disappeared from Voromir. He had to be somewhere and he had to reappear sometime. He could have reinvented himself to let go of his wretched time as the keeper of the Soul Stone but he can't let go of who he is, can he, which must be why he continued on as the High Evolutionary. This seems far-fetched, I know, but far more insane things than that have happened.

Is The High Evolutionary Red Skull in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3? Why Did They Look Almost Identical?

The High Evolutionary's face reveal was one of the most terrifying things in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 because he was frightening to look at. As I mentioned earlier, he looked grotesque and it was not exactly a visual treat watching him get unmasked because he had been disfigured. And you know who else has been disfigured? Red Skull when he used the prototype of Abraham Erskine's Super Soldier Serum on himself to become the superior man. The disfigured villains looked a little similar so, some wondered if the High Evolutionary is Red Skull himself.

The High Evolutionary was disfigured which made him look like Red Skull in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The High Evolutionary was disfigured which made him look like Red Skull in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.
Image Source: Yahoo

Many are talking about it on social media. One Reddit user commented on the thread about the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3,

Just to clarify....... that wasn't Red Skull was it? I'm really confused, because the face reveal did look a lot like him.

There's no denying that the High Evolutionary looks eerily similar to the Red Skull and because Red Skull was expected to be making a return in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (he hasn't reappeared since Infinity War and Endgame after he got freed from Voromir), many viewers had more reason to believe that both of them are the same villain.

Besides, all the fans collectively agreed on the fact that the most horrifying thing about the High Evolutionary was that the way he looked without his face when he was unmasked is what Red Skull would have looked like. Some who didn't think they were the same wondered if they used the same serum which led to both of them getting disfigured because of the same reason and looking similar.

@JamesGunn did high evolutionary meet with red skull from his time on earth? Did he use the same or similar faulty super solider serum that red skull used? At the end of the movie there face (specifically nose) looked very similar and my first thought was this

— Michael Rellihan (@MichaelRelliha1) May 5, 2023

Hardcore fans are frustrated because of people thinking that the High Evolutionary is the Red Skull with the illogical reasoning that they look similar. They were like, both were disfigured, they are going to look similar in a few ways but that doesn't really mean that they are the same. Besides, if you had read the Marvel comics, then you would definitely know that the High Evolutionary is the High Evolutionary, not the Red Skull, and that he was terrorizing in the comics decades before Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 happened.

Even if you hadn't read the comics, in Rocket's backstory, we saw how the High Evolutionary looked before he was disfigured. It was Rocket who mauled his face when he killed Lylla. So, how could he be Red Skull? One had his face ripped and clawed off by a raccoon, the other used some serum that went down badly for him. Therefore, they are not the same. One Reddit user went off on those stupid inferences,

This is what happens when you have Marvel Brain and replace even the tiniest speck of media literacy with watching movies in a passive, drooling haze, waiting until you see an actor you recognize so you can hoop and holler "I RECOGNIZE THAT GUY FROM THE OTHER MOVIES!!!!!!". The High Evolutionary got his face ripped off by Rocket. YOU SAW THIS HAPPEN.

Red Skull got disfigured when he used the prototype of Super Soldier serum on himself. Red Skull got disfigured when he used the prototype of Super Soldier serum on himself.
Image Source: Metro UK

As someone wrote, the High Evolutionary is just another despicable and evil villain whom Rocket gave a Red Skull makeover.
