Brian Klecha Missing: The Mysterious Disappearance Of A Veteran

Posted by Tamela Phillippe on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Brian Klecha missing has been a haunting and unresolved mystery that has left his family and the community searching for answers.

Brian Klecha had everything going for him before disappearing without a trace in December 2017. An Air Force veteran, Brian worked as a bus driver at Disney in Orlando, Florida. 

His mother described him as a generous and kind son and an only child. 

Brian also drove for Uber to make extra money. Brian, residing in Lakeland, Florida, shared an affectionate bond with his feline companions and cohabitated with a few roommates. 

However, an unfortunate twist of events occurred during the Christmas season of 2017 when he mysteriously disappeared. 

His current whereabouts remain uncertain, leaving his family and authorities on an arduous and emotionally distressing quest for answers.

Last Contact with Family

Brian’s mother received his last communication on December 26, 2017. However, all attempts to reach him after that went unanswered, with his phone going to voicemail.

Growing increasingly worried, she made numerous unsuccessful attempts to contact him.

It appeared as though Brian had disappeared without a trace. When his mother visited his home in March 2018, there were no indications of a struggle, but his cats were still present.

Suspicious Bank Transaction

The investigation into Brian’s disappearance revealed a bank transaction made by him in Auburndale, Florida, on December 27, 2017. 

But otherwise, no one spoke to him. It appeared as if he had just disappeared without a trace.

Roommates Under Suspicion

In December 2017, Brian moved to a new home in Lakeland, which Andrew Dowler owned. 

Ramon Antonio “AJ” Perez Seda was one of his roommates and had a prior relationship with Brian. 

It seemed as if they had an argument over AJ seeing someone else, causing Brian to be upset. 

A few days later, Brian disappeared. 

Andrew received an email from Brian telling him that he was moving out soon, but later his mother stated that the email did not appear like something her son had written.

Suspicious Behavior

Other things remained troubling about AJ’s behaviour. After Brian disappeared, AJ was found with Brian’s phone, passport, and debit card. 

He was also renting Brian’s car to strangers for profit and later traded it for drugs. 

When authorities found Brian’s car, it appeared to have been in an accident, but another person was suspected of driving it.

Evidence in Brian’s Abandoned Room

When the authorities searched Brian’s room, they noted that it was messy and did not have a door. 

There were bloodstains in the room. However, there was no way to know whether these stains came from Brian or someone else since many people had lived in the house before. 

Despite this, authorities focused their attention on AJ, who told them that Brian had wanted a monogamous relationship, which AJ did not. 

AJ said they had argued, and Brian left the house after December 27, 2017.

Hopeful Searches and Pleasant Memories

Despite several tips and searches, no solid evidence about Brian’s whereabouts has been found. 

His family and authorities have kept searching, offering rewards to anyone who might have information. 

Brian’s mother hopes that people will remember her son as a kind-hearted and generous person.

Final Thoughts

The case of Brian Klecha remains unsolved, leaving a cloud of mystery and pain behind for his loved ones. 

The details surrounding Brian Klecha’s missing are unsettling, and it is impossible to know what happened to him. However, the investigation continues, and his family has not given up hope.
