What Is Joe Scarboroughs Illness and Where He Is Now?

Posted by Tamela Phillippe on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Joe Scarborough is not ill, although he once opened up about having anxiety and depression; He has also disclosed that his son suffers from Asperger’s syndrome and Type 1 diabetes.

Several reports claim that the TV host, author, lawyer, and former United States House of Representatives member is ill. These reports started making the rounds after the Morning Joe host tweeted a statement by Oscars host Wanda Sykes where she admitted to being physically ill and traumatized by the fact that Will Smith was allowed to remain in the room for the rest of the show and that nobody attempted to leave the event after the latter struck Chris Rock for making fun of his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith.

At the moment, Joe is working hard on gun control reforms. Let’s bring you the latest on Joe Scarborough’s supposed but unsubstantiated illness.

Truth About Joe Scarborough Illness

To the best of our knowledge and most publications’ for that matter, Joe Scarborough appears to be in top physical and mental health. As stated earlier, several factors have contributed to the notion that he is ill. The primary reason for the speculations that have given the impression that he is ill was when the TV host tweeted a statement made by Oscars 2022 host, Wanda Sykes.

Wanda Sykes’ comments referred to her feeling physically ill and traumatized by having to watch actor Will Smith temporarily getting away with slapping fellow actor and comedian Chris Rock across the face for making fun of his (Will’s) wife’s medical condition, which had caused her to lose her hair.

Many people who didn’t properly read and understand the tweet believed Joe himself was physically ill and unwell. The TV host also called Hollywood a ‘screwed-up place’ and had a few more critical words for the organizers of the show and stars like Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry, who were more concerned about how Will was feeling than how his actions, which he even failed to apologize for at the moment, might have impacted Chris Rock.

This incident ostensibly laid the foundation for all kinds of speculation regarding Scarborough’s health, including the fact that he has type 1 Diabetes and COVID-19 complications. Those speculations have been proven to be untrue. Joe does, however, have two children who are afflicted with type 1 Diabetes.

His sons, Andrew and Ethan, have been reported to be patients of the disease, with Andrew said to be also suffering from Asperger’s syndrome. After the diagnosis, Joe began extensive research on the subject of the disease and found that both boys’ bodies were not producing sufficient insulin required for regulating sugar levels in their bodies.

He also realized that, pending the invention of a cure, both his sons would have to rely on insulin injections to live a full life. Following the few weeks of vacation he took last year, several people concluded that Joe Scarborough had contracted COVID and was observing COVID protocols.

This was also proven to be untrue as video clips that showed the host working from home failed to portray the image of a man struggling with a deadly illness. On the contrary, it showed someone who appeared to be looking quite refreshed as time-off seemed to have rejuvenated him.

Joe Scarborough Has Not Said Anything About His Ill Health

Through the myriad of speculations floating around about his being ill, Joe Scarborough has not bothered to dignify the rumors with a comment on that particular subject. He has instead chosen to focus more on the issues facing the United States in the present.

Scarborough has mainly expressed his views on an 18-year-old brandishing a firearm and yelling obscenities at cops who had been sent in to deal with the delicate situation. He duly observed and noted how difficult it was for the cops to handle the volatile situation because of the PR restrictions they tried to navigate.

Joe Scarborough also took the time to chastise the Republican politicians for continually shifting the subject since Sandy Hook. He believed and voiced his opinion that it was a strategy that didn’t work at the moment. He also aired his views on politicians who regularly bring up the issue of mental health as an excuse for their failings.

He Is Currently The Co-Host Of Morning Joe ON MSNBC

At the moment, Joe Scarborough is a co-host of Morning Joe on MSNBC, a show he began hosting with Mika Brzezinski, now his wife, in 2007. Scarborough’s show on MSNBC has primarily focused on gun reforms in recent times. The TV host and his wife reside in New York but appear to be on an extended vacation.

More than 62 weekdays have been since Memorial Day weekend, and just about half of those days had both hosts anchoring the show. Even when his co-host and wife anchored a show by herself, she failed to explain Joe’s absence.

Joe Scarborough has been a media personality for around 20 years now since his debut on the MSNBC show Scarborough Country in April 2003. Before his ongoing, lengthy time as an on-air personality, Joe practiced law and served as a Republican Congressional Representative of the 1st district of Florida from January 3, 1995, to September 5, 2001, a six-year term. The TV host is also an author who has published around 4 books or more.

His career as a lawyer began almost straight out of college. He was called to the Florida bar in 1991 and began practicing in Pensacola the same year. Scarborough took on several cases during his time as a lawyer, and one of the most notable cases he was involved in was when he represented the convict, Michael F. Griffin.

It was during the Doctor David Gunn murder case in 1993, and he went as far as stepping down so his client could have access to a different representation and shielding his family from media scrutiny. His foray into the political arena started when he vocally stood up against Pensacola’s increase in property taxes.

This served as a platform from which he contested and became the first Republican congress representative in 121 years to be elected from Florida’s 1st District. During his six-year tenure in office, Scarborough had the privilege of serving in multiple committees, including National Security, Armed Services, Judiciary, Civil Service, Education, and Government Reform and Oversight.

In general, he represented his constituency to the best of his ability before resigning in September 2001 with five months still to run on his fourth term in office. His decision to resign was primarily motivated by his wish to spend more time with his family.

He returned to law practice for a while before making the ongoing and distinguished switch to being a media personality in April 2003. It has been a journey with quite many controversies and butting heads with influential political figures such as former US president Donald J. Trump, with whom Scarborough didn’t see eye to eye on certain issues.
